There’s nothing better than sitting around the campfire talking with friends, or a hug from a loved one after an incredibly long day. But sometimes, due to weather or circumstances, campfires and hugs aren’t always a possibility. If that’s the case for you, turn to these books for similar feelings of comfort and coziness.
Because as Paul Auster would say, “Reading was my escape and my comfort, my consultation, my stimulant of choice,” and I think that deep down, those of us who love to read could all agree. Which one will you enjoy first?

Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
Desperate to get away from it all? This is a perfect read. Follow four young sisters in this classic coming-of-age novel as they discover who they hope to be in the world. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already read this novel, it’s always a great read if you are feeling nostalgic.

One Day In December, Josie Silver
Laurie doesn’t believe in true love. At least, not until she sees Jack while waiting for the bus one day. Unable to forget one another, Laurie and Jack spend the next decade searching for one another on the path to love and happiness.

The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories, Ken Liu
Written by one of the best short-story authors of our time, I highly recommend Immersing yourself in this collection of deeply thought-provoking short stories. Some stories will make you laugh, others will make you cry; a great recipe for a completely enthralling collection of short stories.
Salt To The Sea, Ruta Sepetys

The horrible living conditions during World War 2 caused four very different individuals to flee their home countries in search of safety abroad. Together, these four must make some very difficult decisions in order to protect their identities and survive. But what if someone finds out who they really are?
The Art Of Happiness, The Dalai Lama XVI

Learn from the Dalai Lama himself as he shares his lifelong secrets to happiness and inner peace in a series of interviews about his life. If there’s one book that will completely alter your perception of life, this is the one.
Wild, Cheryl Strayed

Follow amateur hiker Cheryl Strayed as she hikes the 1000+ miles of the Pacific Coast Trail on a journey of self-development and discovery. Not only will this read want to make you lace up your hiking boots, but it will make you question who you are as a person in some of the best ways possible.
The Help, Kathryn Stockett

Learn what it was like working as an African American woman in the suburban houses of Jacksonville, Mississippi in the 1960s in this enlightening tale of struggle, friendship, and sweet justice. Though there was a movie adaptation of this novel released in 2011, I think the book leaves a heavier impact. If you haven’t yet read this to-be classic from our generation, make sure that you add it to your list ASAP.
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit, Jaye Robin Brown

Desperate for a short read to keep you busy on a Saturday afternoon? This is the one for you. In this wholesome novel for young-adults, Joanna moves to Rome with her conservative family, she is forced to decide between true love and a family promise.
A Tale For The Time Being, Ruth Ozeki

Narrated in two parts by a 16-year-old Japanese girl and a Japanese American journalist working off the coast of British Columbia, a devastating tsunami intertwines the lives of these two women together forever, even though they have never met.
Share the books on the list with the members of your book club, or hang on to them for your personal collection, these feel-good stories will make anyone happy and content. What do you ready when you need a little coziness? Comment below and tell us, maybe we will add it to the list!