Though we aren’t quite sure how the school year will look this year due to circumstances surrounding COVID-19, there’s one thing for sure: we are headed back to school in only a few months. While the summer does feel like it has flown by, I for one, am excited to dive into a new year full of education and learning.
But once your kids are headed back to the classroom, what are you going to do with any time you might have away from work? This year, why not focus on learning more as a parent, adult, and friend with these incredible reads that will help you self educate? These reads will help you set your children up for academic success (a must during every school year!) or hone in your own skills to become a more educated adult. No matter what your education goals are this coming year, these books for back to school will certainly help you get there.
How To Raise A Reader, Pamela Paul and Maria Russo

With the help of this book, this will be the year that your kids finally fall in love with reading— if they haven’t already! Full of curated reading lists for your kids based on age as well as incredible ways to make reading fun, your child is sure to fall in love with the magic of a really good book. According to a study highlighted in the Daily Mail, your kids will be more successful if they are solid readers by age 7.
College Admissions Cracked, Jill Margaret Shulman

Is your child heading off to the big bad world of college in the next few years? It can be hard not to feel a little intimidated by the process (trust me, admissions can be overwhelming!) but this helpful guide should make it easier for you. The author, Jill Magaret Shulman is a high school admissions coach and she will walk you through the process in an incredibly easy to understand manner. This is one of the most important books as far as parent education is concerned!
Unleash The Power of Storytelling, Rob Bisenbach

If you want to work on a personal skill while your kids are at school, why not learn how to become a better writer? Use Rob Bisenbach’s method for writing stories and you might just completely change your writing style for the better. According to Bisenbach, it doesn’t even matter if you aren’t a writer, the power of being able to tell a good story can help you in ways that you might have thought possible.
Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Discover Your Hidden Potential, Barbara Oakley

Speaking of self-education, if your goal this year is to never be intimidated by anything, this read is the perfect one for you. Barbara Oakley’s guide shows readers how to break free from stereotypes or other harmful ways of thinking. With this guide, you can learn how to turn even your weaknesses into great skill and power. This is a must-read for anyone this school year, especially college students.
The Power of Critical Theory for Adult Learning and Teaching, Stephen D. Brookfield

It’s no secret that adults learn differently than kids. So, if you are an adult headed back to school this year, pick this read up for some advice about adult learning and teaching. Learn how to enhance your critical theory skills for success in the classroom and total liberation in your personal life. This is kind of a political read, but one that is definitely worth it.
Brain Rules For Baby, John Medina

Just because your baby is only a few weeks or months old doesn’t mean that you can’t start educating them early! John Medina, PhD breaks open the inner workings of the child’s mind for parents everywhere so that you can adapt and react to any situation in a more helpful way. Not only that, but there are a few things you can do while your children are little to prepare them for academic success later on.
Perfect Little World, Kevin Wilson

An interesting fictional read about the way children are raised, Dr. Grind puts together a study of what happens when ten children (previously orphaned or abandoned) are raised collectively in one environment. Things in Grind’s study start off well, but when arguments begin to fester, the project begins to go off the rails. While this is a fictional read, you can still learn something about yourself as a parent, your kids, and how you can help foster success within each one of you.
With the help of any of the books above you can have an incredible school year with your kids. And remember that it’s natural to feel a little overwhelmed and stressed about a new school year, especially in uncertain circumstances such as these.
Which of these educational books for back to school will you read first? Did we forget anything that you think should be on this list? Comment below and let us know.
BookClub: Virtual bookclubs, led by the authors themselves.